Help craft a more inclusive democracy!

In collaboration with the Australian South Sea Islanders, Port Jackson in Sydney, I have developed a community called Yumi Olgeta: Crafting a More Inclusive Democracy.  Our aim is to bring greater recognition to Australia's slave trade history of blackbirding, which took place between 1847 and 1909. 

Descendants are still greatly disadvantaged in Australia and we hold regular embroidery workshops which are a safe space for meaningful conversations about history, truth-telling, reconciliation and recognition.  By talking about the impact of slavery through intergenerational trauma, we aim to support the healing of descendants and the nation.

Australian South Sea Islanders Port Jackson workshops quilting recognition

To join our community, CLICK HERE to be placed on our mailing list for regular updates and workshop dates.

To donate to the Australian South Sea Islanders, Port Jackson CLICK HERE.

5% of all annual art sales from this business are donated to ASSIPJ.  Why not join me in crafting a more inclusive democracy that will have long-lasting benefits for future generations!!!  X From the heART.