Drawing Giveaway Winner; Marguerite Griffith

Remember my Drawing Giveaway during my Sydney Field Trip in Nov 2017?  The lucky winner of this A4 Ink and Gouache Drawing titled 'Tell the Truth and We All Grow Up' was won my Marguerite Griffith of Melbourne.  She correctly answered the question: Name three towns on the Queensland Coast where Blackbirding ships arrived between 1863 - 1908.  She responded with Brisbane, Mackay, Cairnes, Bowen and Townsville.

The title of this drawing was inspired by 82 year old Aunty Shireen Malaboo who said this to me when I met her in Sydney on my field trip to catch up with some of the descendents of the South Sea Islanders.  She believes that truth telling is an essential way that all Australian's will heal in the future.

I offered Marguerite a chance to say a few words about Australia's slave history.  "I'm delighted to be the recipient of Helen's generous competition prize.  It has been informative to follow her investigation into Australia's slave history (blackbirding) and engage with her personal response.  

Raising awareness can be an education.  It can ask difficult questions that uncover uncomfortable truths.  Does this knowledge change our behaviour?  Individually?  Collectively?  Taking responsibility for these stories, bringing the facts of the past into the present and speaking about these historical truths is the challenge.

If no longer silent, and a new voice can emerge from the history of the land and its people, understanding deepens.  The hope is a more just society develops."

Wise words from Marguerite.  This project is continually showing me how art has the power to connect us and create bridges.  I am very grateful to share this journey with you.  Congratulations Marguerite and thank you to all of you who have participated on this journey to learn more about Australia's past.  I look forward to sharing my next art research trip with you when I go to Townsville later this year.  I will hold my second Drawing Giveaway then so watch this space!


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